Welcome to Mars

Here's a poem written by Chat GPT for Mars.

In the darkness of space, so far and wide,
There's a planet that beckons with crimson pride,
Its name is Mars, the Red Planet we know,
A world of wonder, with secrets to show.

Its rugged terrain, with canyons and peaks,
A landscape so alien, our imagination it seeks,
With dust storms that rage for weeks on end,
A planet so different, a world to transcend.

But beneath its rusty surface, lies a tale,
Of a planet once alive, with oceans that sailed,
A world that had water, and maybe some life,
The secrets of Mars, just waiting for our strife.

And so we explore, with rovers and probes,
To unravel the mysteries, and find out what's known,
To study the rocks, and the Martian air,
To learn of the past, and what may lie there.

Maybe one day, we'll set foot on its soil,
And walk on a planet that once made us recoil,
But until that day, we'll continue to dream,
Of the Red Planet, and all it may mean.